Thursday, May 9, 2013

Makeup for different eye shapes

This post is going to be a lot longer then usual.  This is going to be all about makeup for all different eye shapes.  

Sometimes when you do your eye make, and it doesn’t suite you, it could be because it doesn’t go well with the shape your eyes.  Different types of makeup, and different types of looks, go well with certain eye shapes.  

I am going to list all of the shapes, and then I’m going to tell you what makeup is best for each shape.   There are many different eye shapes which are:

There are many different eye shapes, which are:

1. Prominent eyes
2. Almond eyes
3. Deep set eyes
4. Hooded eyes
5. Wide set eyes
6. Close set eyes
7. Evenly spaced eyes
8. Small eyes
9. Down turned eyes
10. Protruding eyes

Prominent eyes

Prominent eyes are big and round, with a large eye lid surface

For prominent eyes, stick with more neutral colors and medium tones, and darker tones, on the eye lid. You can highlight the brow bone with a light color, sweep a matte, medium eye shadow (for example, maybe a light grey, or taupe) over the lid, and put a dark eye shadow (like dark brown) in the crease. Line your whole top lash line, from corner to corner, with black eyeliner. Apply mascara to top and bottom eye lashes, but not too many coats

Don't use shimmery, or bright colors on the eye lid, because your eyes already stand out, so you want to make them look softer

Don't apply too much mascara, because mascara opens up the eyes, you want to make your eyes look a little more subtle

Almond eyes

Almond eyes are the most common, and they are a littler turned up at the outside corners
This eye shape can get away with lots of different makeup looks, but using lighter colors on the inner corner, and brow bone, looks nice for this eye shape. Use darker colors on the outer corner and line the eyes with a thin line of eye liner

Deep set eyes

Use a light eye shadow on the lid, and use a medium shadow in the crease. Line your eyes with a thin line of eye liner , and apply mascara

Don't use dark eye shadows on the lid or on the crease, because using dark colors will push your eyes back, when you want to bring them forward.

Hooded eyes

Hooded eyes have a layer of skin that droops over the crease, and It gives the appearance that the eye lid is smaller

Highlight the brow bone, and add a medium shade to your eye lid. Add a darker shade only to outside corner of your eyes. Tight line your top lash line from corner to corner. Then, go back and add a very thin line of eyeliner starting from the middle to the outer corner on your eyelid, gradually getting thicker towards the outside. Apply eyeliner to your bottom lash line, starting from the middle, to the outer corner, and getting thicker towards the outside as well. Keep the thickest part of the eyeliner, at the outer corners of the eyes, curl your lashes and add a few coats of mascara.

Don't put a dark color on your eye lid, because this will make your eyes look smaller, and it will make your eye lids appear heavy

Don't apply a thick line of eyeliner on top of the eyes, because it will make the eye lid look like it is covered in eye liner

Wide set eyes

Wide set eyes are set more than one eye length apart

Concentrate majority of the color towards the inner corner of the eyes, and line the top and bottom lash lines from corner to corner to make them appear closer together, and apply mascara.

Don't put darker shades, or lots of color on the outer corners of the eyes, this will make them look further apart

Close set eyes

Close set eyes sit less than one eye length apart

Use light shimmery eye shadows in the inner corners of the eyes, and apply the darker eye shadows on the outer corners. Line the eyes only halfway across the top and bottom lash lines, and when you apply your mascara, sweep your eye lashes up and outwards.

Don't put dark colors in the inner corners of the eyes

Don't line the eyes from corner to corner

Small eyes

There are several make up tricks you can do, to make small eyes appear larger. Use light shimmery eye shadows on the eye lid, use a medium tone in the crease, and highlight the brow bone. Tight line your upper lash line with black eyeliner, and tight line your bottom lash line with white eye liner, to make the eyes pop. Then line the bottom, halfway across your lash line, with black eyeliner, under the white eye liner. Always curl your eye lashes, and add lots of mascara to open up the eyes.

Don't put a lot of eye liner on your top eyelids

Don't rim your eyes with thick eyeliner

Down turned eyes

Down turned eyes slightly slant downwards at the outer corners

Use darker eye shadows at the corner of the eyes; also, pull the eye shadow up and out at the outer corners. Apply liquid eyeliner on the top lash line, and at the outer corners of the eyes, make a wing, by pulling the eyeliner up and outward, and add several coats of mascara. If want you can apply eyeliner to the bottom lash line, but if you do, make sure to apply a very thin line of eyeliner to the bottom. Apply a thin coat of mascara to the bottom lashes

Don't have a thick line of eyeliner on the bottom

Don't put a lot of mascara on the bottom, because this could drag the eyes down

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